March 24, 2025

Smokin' Oldies Jukebox 3! Doo-Wop Whoppers

And whoppers they are. Big, BIG fav in The Versatiles' "Passing By." 18 tracks including The Tremaines, The Premiers,  Jay Jay & The Selectones, The 5 Embers, The Comic Books, and many more. Enjoy!

March 19, 2025

Smokin' Oldies Jukebox 2! The Deep Cut Seventies

18 tracks of deep album tracks, well most of 'em. A couple of Canadian tracks (Fludd's "Turned 21" and Steel River's "Southbound Train") are still heard on occasion on the classic radio stations up in Canuckland. The first couple of tracks (Iron Butterfly's "Get It Out" and Stretch's "Miss Dizzy") are my top favs, with Steve Miller Band's "Love Is Strange" and Chase's "Swanee River" right up there. They're all good. Enjoy!

btw, I normally don't label '70s music as oldies. I just wanted to carry the series with less emphasis on the actual genres and/or time period, etc, while keeping the name intact.

March 17, 2025

Smokin' Oldies Jukebox! The Early Kickapoo '60s

Note: I normally borrow part of a song title (or two) from the mix to make part of the complete title. I select words for either phonetic reasons, or definition/relative, etc, etc, and in this case, I thought "Kickapoo" (from the track "Kickapoo Joy Juice" by The Rivingtons) was either colloquial or gobbledygook (remember, and in my defense, The Rivingtons also released Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow, The Bird's the Word, etc) and it simply rolled off the tongue. It didn't dawn on me until this morning that maybe there's a meaning behind the word, and sure enough, Kickapoo are North American people formerly living in Wisconsin, and now in Kansas, Oklahoma, and north central Mexico. Therefore, the subtitle has nothing to do with the actual Kickapoo, nor any of the tracks are centered on the areas aforementioned. With that out of the way...

20 smokin' oldies for the jukebox, all from '60 to '63. Several unsung gems including Wynonie Harris' "Sweet Lucy Brown," Little Jerry Williams' "You Call It Love," Little Richard's "I'm in Love Again" and Eddie Bo's "Baby I'm Wise." Also some doo-wop including The Flamingos' "Mio Amore" (sounds a bit similar to their awesome "I Only Have Eyes for You") and Shep & The Limelites' "Who Told the Sandman." And a popcorn track or two. They're all good. Enjoy!

March 14, 2025

Kosmische Modern Musik 2

aka Cosmic Music aka Krautrock. A dozen tracks - all modern and as the norm, it grooves! Big fav would be Casi todos los males' "Ser lúdico no es ser ridículo." Zacht Automaat's "Upstairs Downstairs" and Daniel Vincent's "Winter Fades" are a couple of more favs. They're all good. Enjoy!

March 12, 2025

Awesome Downtime 23: Vibes

A cure for this lingering winter blues? Downtime! 18 tracks of chill and bliss. Big favs in Forest Man's "Rivers and Mountains (ft. Lemon Jelly)" and U'nique Music's "Forget." Flovry's "Bloom" and Hoogway's "Silhouette" are a couple of more favs. They're all good. Enjoy!

February 28, 2025

16 Groovin' & Rockin' Instro Library/Lounge Music from the '70s, Volume 3

And a beauty it is. Sammy Burdson's "Centurion A," Gert Wilden's "Follow Me," Klaus Weiss' "The Camp" and Remigio Ducros' "Una partita agitata" are a few favs. btw, the first volume happens to be the most popular (views) post in the blog. Enjoy!

February 25, 2025

The Steamy Library 4: It Might Make You Horny

And it might. 18 salacious, erogenous, amatory, lascivious, concupiscent, prurient, unchaste (I see a trend of titled mixes in the works... possibly) tracks that may or may not be amorous. A couple by Andy Novello including "Waltz of Roses," one of my favs in the mix. Also John Cameron's "Liquid Sunshine," Hiro Yanagida's "When She Didn't Agree," Alessandro Alessandroni's "Aspetti musicali," Stefano Torossi's "Being Friendly" and Franco Micalizzi's "Sospetto (Il lato romantico)" just to name a few more. They're all good. Enjoy!

February 4, 2025

Rockin' Rollin' Doo-Wop 5: Os-Ca-Lu-Ski-O!

As usual, only the good stuff. 16 tracks, from '51 to '61 including big fav "Rockin' in the Rocket Room" by The Larks. Also, The Moonlighters' "Going Out," The Lyrics' "Come on Home," The Five Keys' "Hucklebuck with Jimmy," The Lamplighters' "Goody Good Things" and The Four Buddies' "Ooh-Ow" to name a few. Enjoy!

February 1, 2025

Doo-Wop Ballads 4: Lucky Star

Oh yeah, more goodies, 20 of 'em. Lots of rare tracks for the casual listener. The Sonics' "This Broken Heart" is my big fav here. It's a goodie for sure. Many other goodies including The Four Fellows' "You Don't Know Me," The Edsels' "Count the Tears," The Romeos' "Love Me," The Casanovas' "Please Be Mine," Ace Kennedy & The Candies' "Arms Around You," etc. They're all good. Enjoy!

January 29, 2025

No "Butts" About It! 20 Golden Oldies 1953-64

Now something for all you lovers of the oldies, 20 several somewhat rare (aka rarely heard) tracks, and all so good. Big favs in Rochell & The Candles' "Hey, Pretty Baby," The Nite Riders' "Women and Cadillacs," The Vocaltones' "I'm Gonna Get That Girl," The Gentlemen's "Something to Remember You By" and The Coronets' "I'm All Alone." Most are rockin' good fun. Enjoy!

January 25, 2025

The Steamy Library 3: Music to Make You Horny

Music that makes you horny? If that's the case, then you'll need to see a psychiatrist, lol. 20 tracks, all library/lounge grooves sans, Georgia Gibbs' 1952's "Kiss of Fire" (pop & tango), and Curt Boettcher's late 60s sunshine-y "Christina, In My Dreams."

My favorite (a big favorite) is Armando Trovaioli's "Angola adeus." Also a few covers including The 18th Century Corporation's "This Guy's in Love with You" and Baker Street Philharmonic's great (yes, I love it) take on "Here, There and Everywhere." Syd Dale, Luciano Simoncini, Franco Micalizzi, Helmuth Brandenburg, etc. Lots of good stuff. Enjoy!

NOTE: I used a wrong text font for back cover (incorrect display of symbols, ampersands, diacritics, accents, etc) that's included in the file. The correct cover is in this post. If desired, just delete the back cover and right-click>save the back cover in post.

January 22, 2025

If It's Not Hot, It's Hot!

18 tracks, mostly 60s & 70s with a couple of 50s (Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers' "Hot Banana (instrumental)" and Bill Haley & His Comets' "Hot Dog Buddy Buddy"), three 80s (Robbie Dupree's "Hot Rod Hearts," Triumph's "Hot Time (In This City Tonight)" and Loverboy's "Hot Girls in Love"), and one 00s (Glam Sam and His Combo's "Hot!"). Nothing cold here, all hot including The Rimshots' "A Hot Day in Harlem," Little Richard's "Hot Nuts," etc. Enjoy!

January 1, 2025

Popcorn Mania 16: Kinda Wonderful

A new year, and new popcorn. Little Hank's "Mister Bang Bang Man" would be my top fav. Andrea Carroll's "It Hurts to Be Sixteen," Jimmy Breedlove's "You're Following Me" and Nick Charles' "The Right Girl" my other top favs. 20 tracks in all, from 1960 to 66. Enjoy, and have a glorious new year and a prosperous 2025 and beyond!

December 30, 2024

Weird Oowee Weird

Full title: Weird Oowee Weird aka A Strabismus Cow Licks Grapes & Gravy

Original title: What a Weird Way to Go

18 tracks by artists/bands labelled as weird rock among other genres. Now don't worry - there isn't any abstract, harsh, noise, or any non-music tracks. It's all listenable and frankly, most of the tracks are not all that entirely weird. You could say the band names are more weird in a no-connection-to the-music relation. Let's go with examples...

Kevin's "Ficking E" - a short instrumental ditty with an occasional scream in the background, and a saxophone playing a repeated motif. Not that weird, yet still cool...

Fuscia's "Headphones" - sounds like you'd hear on top 40 radio. There's a bit of scat and not the usual sounding instrumental break mid-way, but really not all that weird if at all...

The Great Journey's "The Meltdown" - okay, it's weird. A short little ditty but cool nonetheless...

Phoaming Edison's "Utilization Management" - love it! A great instrumental with the only thing weird would be the group and song title...

Creat's "I No U Do Not I" - wait for the Die Hard sample. Hilarious, then again I enjoy juvenile humor...

Chins' "Turtles" - more juvenile humor...

Captain's "Gary Larson" - to describe the tune, if Dinosaur Jr. went unplugged...

Soon Li's "Matt C." - another awesome instrumental. Nothing weird here, unless a trombone in a rocking tune...

Schwartz's "Pruen" - I had to recheck and make sure I got the band name and song title correct, lol...

Ben Lewis' "Blue Bubbles with Generators" - another awesome short instrumental, the title being the only thing weird...

Welington Irish Black Warrior's "Don't Blame Me" - just give the track a couple of minutes, and then sit back for a fast, motorik-styled ride...

Louis Jucker's "Attics" - as far as I know, the static near the beginning and the end is intentional.

Anyway, I really do like the tunes in this mix. I hope you do too. Enjoy!

December 21, 2024

Groovy Retro Family Christmas 2024 [1950-69]

For all you with family, young and old, a retro mix of a lot of unheard/underplayed Christmas tunes. Several tunes not only aimed at the kiddies, but the kid inside us. I still listen to every track, all twenty of 'em. Ooops, I meant nineteen of the twenty. I've never heard Barry Richards' "Baby Sittin' Santa" until just the other day, lol. Let's see what we got here...

Ricky Zahnd and The Blue Jeaners' "Something Barked on Christmas Morning" should have been a Christmas classic. The Royal Guardsmen's "The Return of the Red Baron" - the one they don't play, at least when I'm listening to the radio, or shopping at the mall. Billy May's "Do You Believe in Santa Claus? (feat. Thurl Ravenscroft)" - yeah, the singer dude is also Tony the Tiger, and the voice behind "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch."

Peter Wood Singers and Orchestra's "Winter Wonderland" goes back before blogs really took off (2003). I no longer recall who, where, and when (I'm guessing one of those groups like y*h** or maybe a peer 2 peer thingy, I really don't recall), but someone shared this track (probably no more than 128 kbps and full of snap, crackle & pop) and it's been in my Christmas playlist almost every year since.

Little Rita Faye's "I Fell Out of a Christmas Tree" is cute, and so is Lawrence Welk's Little Band's "Outer Space Santa." Art Carney's "Santa and the Doodle-Li-Boop" is simply awesome. There's also a bit of family humor, including Allan Sherman's "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas." Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

December 16, 2024

Groovy Christmas 2024

Hey folks! Long time, no see! I've been busy, really busy. Anyway, got a cool Christmas mix with lots of groove, soul, funky-jazz and the like. Well, except one track - a rockabilly, early rocker. I just couldn't find the time (aka too lazy) to replace it, but it's all good.

16 unsung and/or rare tracks. The highlight would be Skafish's 10-minute plus "We Three Kings Fusion." Other favs in The Poets' "Merry Christmas Baby," Binky Griptite's "Stone Soul Christmas," Sparkplug's "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and The Ramsey Lewis Trio's "The Sound of Christmas." They're all good. Merry Christmas!

October 24, 2024

Kosmische Modern Musik

aka Cosmic Music aka Krautrock. A dozen tracks in all. Several tracks have mixed genres (a bit of progressive electronic, math, motorik, space rock, etc) and not necessarily pure cosmic. Favorites include 3rd Ear Experience's "I Am Not Robot," Instrument's "Joke on Me" and Anatolian Weapons' "Heritage" to name a few. Isobel's "Nerve" and the rocking "You and or You or Me" by M185 are a couple more favs. They're all good. Enjoy!

October 19, 2024

Halloween Horrors of Modern Surf Rock XII: The Ghosts!

This may or may not be the last Halloween mix of the season. In the meantime, another round of awesome surf rock. The Von Drats, Sonic Screwdriver, Marshall & The Martins, The Phantom Dragsters, a couple by I Fantomatici, Los Apollos, Insect Surfers, a couple by Speedball Jr., and more. Enjoy!

October 16, 2024

I Got a Rock! Old & New Spooky Tunes from the Pumpkin Patch 2

From Buster Doss and His Arkansas Playboys' 1949's "Graveyard Boogie" to Simon Stokes & Hammerlock's 2018's "Trapped in a Nightmare," 20 tracks in all. V8 Walkers' "Bad Moon Rising" is the BIG highlight and an awesome cover (CCR). Agent Twang!'s "Ghost Train," Ray Daytona and Googoobombos' "Even the Zombie Cry," Bo Diddley's "Bo Meets the Monster" and Marshall & The Martins' "The Purple Thing" to name a few more. Enjoy!

October 14, 2024

Halloween Horrors of Modern Surf Rock XI

Great stuff, 18 in all. The Illumignarly's "Gnarmy of Darkness," the Phantom Dragsters' "Tiki Horror Island," Terminal Sunburn's "Planet of the Spiders," Baja Bug's "Surf and Destroy," The Prodigals' "Sharkskin Buffalo" and X Ray Cat Trio's "Surfin' Sasquatch" to name a few. Enjoy!

October 11, 2024

I Got a Rock! Old & New Spooky Tunes from the Pumpkin Patch

From the Deep River Boys' 1940's "Swinging at the Séance" to the Gig Experiment's 2019's "Shark Attack." Both tracks are favs in this mix. Roky Erickson and The Aliens' "Bumble Bee Zombie" is probably my top favorite in the mix. The Three Suns' "The Creep," Bob and Jerry's "Ghost Satellite," René Hall Orchestra's "Night Fright" and St. Paul & The Broken Bones' "Champagne Halloween" are a few more. 20 in all. Enjoy!

October 10, 2024

Halloween Horrors of Modern Surf Rock X: Freakout!

It's a freakout all right. Atomicos' "Zombie vs. Ninja" is a big fav, especially how it goes a bit funky half way through. Ladrones de Guitarras' "Granja de zombies" is another goodie. And so is The Supersónicos' "Aloha Alien," Mr. Eliminator & The Deadly Vipers' "Nuclear Tsunami," Martin Cilia's "Freakout," Sheverb's "Nowhere Wolf" and the lengthy "Terror I" by Os Aquamans. They're all good. Enjoy!

October 8, 2024

Shock Rockers & Punk Monsters Halloween

Ahh, my favorite Halloween mix of the year. Don't expect the usual classics or anything remotely familiar. 18 tracks of experimental rock, horror rock & punk, rockabilly, and straight up hard rock (and no worries, there's nothing too harsh). The first track (Spectrex's "There's a Monster Loose") however is a funky, hip-hoppity, danceable ditty that's imo, a good mix opener.

Sematary Spawn's "Exorcism of the Dead" reminds me of a subtle Rob Zombie track, or similar. If you like Green Day, check out DieMonsterDie's "1000 Corpses Walk the Earth." Pop-punk fans should embrace The B Movie Monsters' "Mr. T vs. Dracula." Fans of modern Alice Cooper would probably enjoy Monster Mob's "Cannibal Girls." Fronkonstin's straight-up hard rocker "Scary You" is probably my fav.

The last track, Dracula and His Band The Draculas' "Swamp Thing (reprise)" a take on the classic, "Wild Thing" is a hoot. They're all worth a listen or three. Enjoy!

October 7, 2024

Good Time Halloweenie!

20 tracks of blood-curdling terror, for your cat maybe. All 50s & 60s sans a couple of 70s (the disco-ish "Soul Dracula" by Hot Blood, and Lewis Lee's "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"). Baron Daemon & The Vampires' "Ghost Guitars" is a worthy track, mostly instrumental. The Spellbinders' "Casting My Spell" another favorite. Simon T. Stokes' "Cobwebs" and Dave Gardner's "Mad Witch" would be right up there too. And can't forget Bill Carlisle's "Tiny Space Man." They're all good. Enjoy!

October 5, 2024

Halloween Horrors of Modern Surf Rock 9: Terrorsurfer!

If you're a fan, you're going to enjoy. 20 tracks including artists The Centellas, Twangozilla, Thee Space Needles, Surfing Arcanis, Frankie and the Pool Boys, Martin Cilia, The Supersónicos, Plato Zorba, The Terrorsurfs, and more. Enjoy!