February 26, 2023

Rockin' Heavy, Hard & Steady 2: More 70s Hard Rock Unsung Scorchers

Another set that smokes! And as usual, the comp is full of the deeper cuts, aka the unsung gems. A few favorites including Jumbo's "Classified Love," The Sensational Alex Harvey Band's "River of Love" and Humble Pie's "Red Light Mamma, Red Hot!" Oh, can't forget 18 Karat Gold's "See Me in Your Dreams" and Brahman's "Automatic Man." They're all good. Enjoy!

February 24, 2023

Canada Digs, You Dig!!!

Really, really good Canadian rock. I didn't add the sub-title to the files (O, Say Can-A-Da!). It was an afterthought and had no intention for inclusion.

Anyway, I'm sure most would be familiar with the artists, and perhaps the tunes themselves. Several tracks were big in the lands of the Great White North. Some tracks didn't see the (music) charts at all, aka the deep cuts. Big, big fan in Leroy James' You Look Good in Denim, Triumph's Hold On, and Valdy's Rock 'n' Roll Song. LOVE the lyrics in the latter. Enjoy!

February 22, 2023

A Daily Excursion at The Bachelor Pad: Let's Lounge!

Cool & groovy loungin' at the bachelor pad... when I think of a location for lounge, library, exotica, et al, I tend to lean towards a swingin' dude's apartment, and not some far away Tiki bar on an exotic island. I picture that dude's place similar to what you'd find in a simple search, plus Maxwell Smart (Get Smart); one cool, swanky, yet often-inept secret agent, and a bachelor to boot!

And here we are - 20 tunes set to the images aforementioned, or whatever pleases your palate. I have the set sequenced (carefully) from the guests first entering and the usual meet & greet, segue to the dancing, dining, drinking, lounging, chit-chat (not in any specific order) and finally to the evening's conclusion. All tracks from the glorious 70s (sans one track from '69). Enjoy!

NOTE: Domenic Ciccone (AKA Martooni) will be streaming this mix on "The Flamingo Lounge" over at Lounge King Radio this Monday evening (April 3rd) at 7 P.M. Mexico City time (CST, UTC-6). The station has been streaming for a year now. Check it out! And thanks again Domenic. 😊

February 20, 2023

Awesome Downtime 17: Fresh Air

A couple of big, big favs here in Future Loop Foundation's A Very English Summer & Bachelors of Science Can't Let Go. Ingo Herrmann makes another appearance. How did I come across Ingo's music? It was either from listening to the background music off the weather channel (TV) or an ambient visual/audio channel on Stingray, when we used to have cable.

Anyway, a lot of good stuff. As usual. Enjoy!

February 17, 2023

Boob Vision 4: And Yet More '70s Funkin' Groovin' Instro Rare Gems

Back to the groove. Back to the funky grooves. I don't think I've mentioned how I came up with the title. Honestly, I didn't. I found a photo (see volume 1 in series) and someone already had it titled Boob Vision. I went with it, and that's the scoop. Enjoy!

February 14, 2023

Sunshine, Rainbows & Bubblegum Farts: Unsung Classic Gems 1967-71

Wait, shouldn't this be volume 4? Haha, I changed the title. Instead of popsicle farts (they are a real thing, right?), it's now bubblegum farts (they are a real thing too, right?).

Lots of goodies in this mix. Big, BIG fav of Roger Nichols' Let's Ride. Check out the awesome deep cuts in SRC's Show Me, and The Oxfords' Come on 'Round. The Kit Kats' Distance is another sleeper, oh sooo good. And Boffalongo's Dancing in the Moonlight would probably be the main highlight. It's the original version, before the more well known AM classic hit by King Harvest, released a year or two later. I love both versions but if I had to pick between the two... really a tough call. I'll chicken out and call it a tie.

As a special treat, you can play karaoke for the last track. It's the backing track to the big Monkees' hit. I also added the lyrics that'll appear on your mp3 player. It's not synchronized, so you'll have to scroll the lyrics. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Enjoy!

February 12, 2023

Popcorn Mania 5: Turn on the Moonlight! [1960-67]

Need more Popcorn?

Another super installment (says me, lol) of Popcorn. When naming comps, I often tend to use track titles or variations. I couldn't pass up on Ray Smith's Turn on the Moonlight. What a great title. Anyway, 20 more. Lots of goodies. Favs? Hmmm let's see... Eartha Kitt's A Lady Loves, The Sherwood's Monkey See, Monkey Do, and Teddy Randazzo's Cherie. That's just three. They're all good. Enjoy!

February 7, 2023

Rockin' Heavy, Hard & Steady: 70s Hard Rock Unsung Scorchers

This set smokes! And as usual, the comp is full of the deeper cuts, aka the unsung gems. A big favorite is lead-off track "I Come Tumblin'" by Grand Funk Railroad. 16 tracks in all including Leaf Hound's "Stray," Cactus' "Let Me Swim," Buffalo's "Kings Cross Ladies" and Highway Robbery's "Ain't Gonna Take No More." Enjoy!


February 6, 2023

Psychedelia & The Spacey Sixties 2: Made in USA [1968-69]

More psychedelic sixties, and more deep album cuts...

I love listening to albums, especially those unsung/deep cut tracks. More often than not, I'd favor them over the hit singles. But what do I know - if radio programmers think Bread's "Baby I'm-A Want You" is better than "Down on My Knees" (both tracks from same album, but the latter was never released as a single), then again, what do I know lol.

Anyway, here are sixteen more tracks that all may not be radio material, but they're good enough for me! I hope for you too. Enjoy!

February 4, 2023

Psychedelia & The Spacey Sixties: Made in USA [1967-69]

I had a lot of fun creating this mix. I kept (mix) more in the psychedelic realm (rock, pop, folk), with a few dabs of heavy psych and acid rock. As for the tracks, I aimed for the (album) deeper cuts, or sometimes referred as the 'unsung' gems. And gems they are. Not a weak track (of course) in the bunch, with Silver Apples' Program, Neighb'rhood Childr'n's Long Years in Space, and Tangerine Zoo's The Flight = big favs. They all are. Enjoy!

Note: The cover was meant for another mix. I didn't notice until three quarters complete. I didn't ponder all that long, and went with it.

February 1, 2023

Drive Baby Drive, Vol. 8: Early 80s Cruisin' & Parkin'

 This comp is quite nostalgic. It takes me back to many good times while cruisin' around with friends and girlfriends. And yes, a few parking tracks included as well. A few notes...

- The Eddie Rabbitt and Charlie Dore tracks are from 1979. For many years, I've always thought they were from the 80s. It's quite possible I've never heard them when first released.

- All tracks were heard over the radio (awesome AM radio) except the last track (Rick Springfield's Inside Silvia). One evening, an old girlfriend had the album and she mentioned the track (we both had similar tastes in record albums' deeper cuts). Once heard, it never left. I still listen to it from time to time, and never tires.

- Several tracks were hits in Canada, some big. A few years ago, I hosted an online audio/video party, mostly AM classics. After I played Chilliwack's My Girl (track 5), not one person recalled the tune. I have a feeling a few other tracks in this comp are possibly rare if you live outside the Canadian border. Enjoy!