And it might. 18 salacious, erogenous, amatory, lascivious, concupiscent, prurient, unchaste (I see a trend of titled mixes in the works... possibly) tracks that may or may not be amorous. A couple by Andy Novello including "Waltz of Roses," one of my favs in the mix. Also John Cameron's "Liquid Sunshine," Hiro Yanagida's "When She Didn't Agree," Alessandro Alessandroni's "Aspetti musicali," Stefano Torossi's "Being Friendly" and Franco Micalizzi's "Sospetto (Il lato romantico)" just to name a few more. They're all good. Enjoy!
Thanks for these.... looking forward to listening to this one
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Domenic! Please enjoy.