January 11, 2023

Guitar Wankery Allowed!

18 tracks of guitar fanatic aerobatics. What about those unsung players that are nary a blip on a radar screen? They certainly got the chops, which brings us to this comp...

Wankery?!? Isn't that an insult? It's tongue-in-cheek. I dig this stuff. Several of the tracks are more progressive/hard rock with a couple tinged in melancholy [it should also be noted that musical proficiency exceeds in all the instrumentations]. Half the comp may be new territory for those unfamiliar with the genres, and possibly unimpressed or startled with the unlikeness to the more familiar classic favs. Fortunately, this is really good stuff! Ron Jarzombek's "The Ink Panther" and Polyphia's "James Franco" are big, big favs. Enjoy!
