February 28, 2025

16 Groovin' & Rockin' Instro Library/Lounge Music from the '70s, Volume 3

And a beauty it is. Sammy Burdson's "Centurion A," Gert Wilden's "Follow Me," Klaus Weiss' "The Camp" and Remigio Ducros' "Una partita agitata" are a few favs. btw, the first volume happens to be the most popular (views) post in the blog. Enjoy!

February 25, 2025

The Steamy Library 4: It Might Make You Horny

And it might. 18 salacious, erogenous, amatory, lascivious, concupiscent, prurient, unchaste (I see a trend of titled mixes in the works... possibly) tracks that may or may not be amorous. A couple by Andy Novello including "Waltz of Roses," one of my favs in the mix. Also John Cameron's "Liquid Sunshine," Hiro Yanagida's "When She Didn't Agree," Alessandro Alessandroni's "Aspetti musicali," Stefano Torossi's "Being Friendly" and Franco Micalizzi's "Sospetto (Il lato romantico)" just to name a few more. They're all good. Enjoy!

February 4, 2025

Rockin' Rollin' Doo-Wop 5: Os-Ca-Lu-Ski-O!

As usual, only the good stuff. 16 tracks, from '51 to '61 including big fav "Rockin' in the Rocket Room" by The Larks. Also, The Moonlighters' "Going Out," The Lyrics' "Come on Home," The Five Keys' "Hucklebuck with Jimmy," The Lamplighters' "Goody Good Things" and The Four Buddies' "Ooh-Ow" to name a few. Enjoy!

February 1, 2025

Doo-Wop Ballads 4: Lucky Star

Oh yeah, more goodies, 20 of 'em. Lots of rare tracks for the casual listener. The Sonics' "This Broken Heart" is my big fav here. It's a goodie for sure. Many other goodies including The Four Fellows' "You Don't Know Me," The Edsels' "Count the Tears," The Romeos' "Love Me," The Casanovas' "Please Be Mine," Ace Kennedy & The Candies' "Arms Around You," etc. They're all good. Enjoy!

January 29, 2025

No "Butts" About It! 20 Golden Oldies 1953-64

Now something for all you lovers of the oldies, 20 several somewhat rare (aka rarely heard) tracks, and all so good. Big favs in Rochell & The Candles' "Hey, Pretty Baby," The Nite Riders' "Women and Cadillacs," The Vocaltones' "I'm Gonna Get That Girl," The Gentlemen's "Something to Remember You By" and The Coronets' "I'm All Alone." Most are rockin' good fun. Enjoy!

January 25, 2025

The Steamy Library 3: Music to Make You Horny

Music that makes you horny? If that's the case, then you'll need to see a psychiatrist, lol. 20 tracks, all library/lounge grooves sans, Georgia Gibbs' 1952's "Kiss of Fire" (pop & tango), and Curt Boettcher's late 60s sunshine-y "Christina, In My Dreams."

My favorite (a big favorite) is Armando Trovaioli's "Angola adeus." Also a few covers including The 18th Century Corporation's "This Guy's in Love with You" and Baker Street Philharmonic's great (yes, I love it) take on "Here, There and Everywhere." Syd Dale, Luciano Simoncini, Franco Micalizzi, Helmuth Brandenburg, etc. Lots of good stuff. Enjoy!

NOTE: I used a wrong text font for back cover (incorrect display of symbols, ampersands, diacritics, accents, etc) that's included in the file. The correct cover is in this post. If desired, just delete the back cover and right-click>save the back cover in post.

January 22, 2025

If It's Not Hot, It's Hot!

18 tracks, mostly 60s & 70s with a couple of 50s (Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers' "Hot Banana (instrumental)" and Bill Haley & His Comets' "Hot Dog Buddy Buddy"), three 80s (Robbie Dupree's "Hot Rod Hearts," Triumph's "Hot Time (In This City Tonight)" and Loverboy's "Hot Girls in Love"), and one 00s (Glam Sam and His Combo's "Hot!"). Nothing cold here, all hot including The Rimshots' "A Hot Day in Harlem," Little Richard's "Hot Nuts," etc. Enjoy!

January 1, 2025

Popcorn Mania 16: Kinda Wonderful

A new year, and new popcorn. Little Hank's "Mister Bang Bang Man" would be my top fav. Andrea Carroll's "It Hurts to Be Sixteen," Jimmy Breedlove's "You're Following Me" and Nick Charles' "The Right Girl" my other top favs. 20 tracks in all, from 1960 to 66. Enjoy, and have a glorious new year and a prosperous 2025 and beyond!