March 1, 2023

Popcorn Mania 6: Cool Breeze! 1960-1966

More rare popcorn tracks. Well, I don't know how rare but I've never heard them on the radio before. My big fav is Pat Clayton's "I Said No." I love it when she growls her voice. Other favs include Baby Washington's "Run My Heart," Big Maybelle's "Cold Cold Heart," and Debbie Dovale's "I'm My Own Doctor." They're all good. Enjoy!

Note: While listening to the tracks, I noticed Jericho Brown's "Bluebird" may not be considered popcorn. I still kept it in, and set it as the last track.

Cool Breeze @320


  1. Thanks George for posting Popcorn Mania 6 - Yes! Need More Popcorn!.

  2. Thank you. looking forward to hearing Jericho Brown's Bluebird to hear how it fits. But like other "created" genres things do get fuzzy.. but it keeps us talking, right?

    1. You're welcome Domenic! The tune is still similar to the others, but the tempo is faster than what's perceived as popcorn, from what I've read. I don't think it'll ruffle the popcorn diehard fans' feathers any, because I've listened to tracks in other (popcorn) comps that I thought were questionable. As you've stated, it keeps us talking :)

  3. Many thanks.
