November 7, 2023

Awesome Downtime 21: Retrospectively

This Saturday marks Remembrance Day. My grandfather fought in both world wars. He survived and lived well into his eighties. I still think about Grandpa a lot. He was always good to me, and love him dearly. He's the main inspiration behind this comp.

The mix - I wanted the music and/or track titles to tell stories for what was going on in a soldier's mind. It couldn't always have been dread and despair. I thought about their moments of hope and desire longing for home, even in midst of battles, those slivers of blissful thoughts of loved ones. And for all the carnage abroad, to witness the allure of woodlands, nature, people, etc. This mix is all beauty, reflecting those serene moments.

Most of the 20 tracks are chillhop. It also includes a few classical works. Don't be put off from classical music. I'd say that the five compositions are suitable for people who do not like classical music at all. The pieces are not lengthy or drawn out (one of the complaints by classical naysayers).

This mix is in a specific order (like most of my mixes). If the track title doesn't make sense, then it's clearly the music. For the curious, I originally had tracks 4 & 17 switched. Also at one time, #15 (Kainbeats' "Respect the Land, for It Nourishes Us") was set for #19 or the last track. In the end, I'm content with the final release. I hope you all enjoy.



  1. Your shares are inspiring!!

    1. Thank you kindly djmc! I really appreciate the sentiment.

  2. Replies
    1. You're welcome Domenic! It's good to know another who also loves classical music.
