October 19, 2022

I Forgot to Shave! 20 More Horrifying Tracks!

 Halloween Haunts 5: Nocturnal Fright!

Well, what do you know. I've found the time to do more Halloween comps. A bit of background for this compilation...

- I didn't bother to thoroughly research for track #9 (who or when it was created, probably fan made). All I know is that it's (supposedly) Christopher Lee quoted from a film added to music.

- Many years ago, someone asked about favorite tunes for Halloween. Someone mentioned trk #16 and explained when they were a kid, while sitting in the backseat of the car listening to the radio, the song was played and the imagery (from lyrics) haunted him.

- For the last track; horror films take liberties with genial tracks and turn them (unintentionally) unpleasant for some listeners (ie Tiptoes Thru the Tulips, Jeepers Creepers, etc) by association. I thought maybe "The Laughing Policeman" an innocent, jovial ditty, could possibly achieve the same effect. Try to keep that in mind while listening.

That's about it. 20 more tracks to munch on. Enjoy!

Ghost Walk@320  or  Here (good for one week)


  1. Hi. Great compilation! However, the 320 link is the wrong link. Thought I'd let you know. Cheers.

    1. Thank you! The 320 is the correct link. You're probably blocked from it. Best to use a VPN. I did add a second link but expires in a week.

  2. Greetings.

    Halloween Haunts 5: Nocturnal Fright!

    Imagenetz - Oops! Page not found...
    Wetransfer - Transfer expired

    Tried both with and without VPN

    Great series. Great Blog.

    Thank you.


    1. My apologies Doordonot. I've been in the process of revising my older mixes, including this series (what's needed). I spent the time creating new ones and unfortunately, I more or less forgot about updating. I did fix #1. I'll try and get at this one today. Again, my apologies.
